Sport Nutrition, Third Edition, presents the principles and rationale for current nutrition guidelines for athletes. Using a physiological basis, this text provides an in-depth look at the science behind sport nutrition. Students will come away with an understanding of nutrition as it relates to sport and the influence of nutrition on performance, training, and recovery.
This text is organized with the student in mind, with content sequenced in a logical order that puts building blocks in place to facilitate greater comprehension as more advanced topics are introduced. The book moves from general principles of nutrition and nutrient requirements to estimating and fulfilling energy needs with the appropriate combinations of macronutrients and micronutrients. Supplements are addressed from a scientific standpoint, followed by the influence of nutrition on training adaptations, immune function, body composition, weight management, and eating disorders. The new chapter on personalized nutrition covers periodized nutrition, gender differences, and special populations (young athletes, older athletes, and diabetic athletes) and offers practical examples from specific sports.
This third edition contains revised and expanded information to keep students current on the latest findings in sport nutrition:
• Updated nutrition guidelines
• A new chapter on personalized nutrition that helps readers move from theory into practice as they better understand how to customize nutrition based on an individual’s unique background and needs
• Addition of practical carbohydrate intake guidelines for athletes in a wide variety of sports
• Updated information on protein metabolism and recommendations on the type, amount, and timing of protein intake to maximize training adaptation
• Developments from the field of molecular biology that explain how adaptations to exercise training are influenced by nutrition
• Expanded coverage of the rapidly developing field of immunonutrition
Sport Nutrition, Third Edition, includes a number of tools to facilitate student learning. More than 300 figures, tables, and photos offer visual illustration of important concepts, methods, and research findings. Updated and new sidebars provide in-depth coverage of selected topics, making it easier to grasp the scientific concepts presented. Each chapter also includes learning objectives and key points to help students retain the information.
In addition to being mindful of students, the authors remained conscious of the needs of instructors. With years of experience in teaching sport nutrition, the authors constructed chapters in a natural progression, making class lectures easier to prepare and deliver. Instructors will also find an ancillary package consisting of an instructor guide, test package, and presentation package plus image bank to further support their efforts.
More than a simple prescription of recommendations, Sport Nutrition, Third Edition, offers a systematic presentation of the science supporting nutrition guidelines. It is an ideal book to provide a comprehensive understanding of nutrition as it relates to sport, exercise performance, training, and recovery.
From the Publisher
The gastrointestinal tract
Audiences: Text for upper undergraduate and graduate courses in sport science, exercise physiology, and other sport- or exercise-related degree programs.
Reference for sport nutritionists, dietitians, and other physical activity professionals
Understand nutrition’s influence on performance, training, and recovery
Sport Nutrition, Third Edition, presents the principles, background, and rationale for current nutrition guidelines for athletes. Organized with the student in mind, the content is sequenced in a logical order to facilitate greater comprehension as more advanced topics are introduced.
More than 300 figures, tables, and photos illustrate important concepts and research findings Sidebars provide in-depth coverage of topics Learning objectives and key points help students retain information The presentation plus image bank features 705 slides containing key content from the text
Fat Content and Volumes of Body Fluid Compartments in Adults and Infants
Adult man
Adult woman
Publisher : Human Kinetics; 3rd edition (Aug. 22 2018)
Language : English
Paperback : 616 pages
ISBN-10 : 1492529036
ISBN-13 : 978-1492529033
Item weight : 5 g
Dimensions : 21.34 x 3.3 x 27.69 cm